What is the first thing guests look for in a hotel?
97% of travellers say that cleanliness plays a major factor when booking a hotel. And that 90% will avoid hotels that have a “dirty” review! So if you are the manager or owner of a hotel, housekeeping is probably your hotel’s top priority.
Traditional practices would be to hire your own housekeeping staff. However, in recent years, an increasing number of Singapore hotels have been outsourcing housekeeping duties. And Why?
Let’s find out.
Key reasons to outsource Housekeeping
1. Save costs
One of the top reasons to outsource would be to save costs. Although you may be paying the same salary for housekeeping work, other operational costs can be omitted. Training cost for new staff hire, medical and paid leave benefits do not apply to outsourced staff.
2. Professionally trained staff
The service you hire gets done by those who are professionally trained in the industry. They also constantly upgrade their skills according to industry standards. There is no training costs involved should the service provider hire new housekeeping staff. This way the hotel can focus on other customer facing departments.
3. No need for expensive equipment
Many companies that provide outsourcing services will have their own cleaning supplies and equipment. Certain aspects of cleaning such as shampooing of carpets, which are not regularly carried out, require special equipment. Purchasing such equipment can be avoided when such services are outsourced. This also eliminates the need for equipment storage space.
4. Always staffed
Staff calling in sick or requesting for urgent leave can affect the housekeeping department. Turnover rates in this industry are also high and this affects staff morale. Housekeeping service providers such as A1 Facility Services ensure that your hotel is always properly staffed according to the contract. Cleaning service providers also have supervisors who carry out cleaning inspections.
5. Value added services
Cleaning is just one aspect of hotel housekeeping duties. Cleaning companies can also provide other services like carpet and window cleaning, swimming pool cleaning, laundry and many other services. This eliminates the need for hiring other vendors for ad hoc or specialised services.
Hotel housekeeping duties
When guests enter their hotel room and see a clean room, an immaculately done bed, crisp sheets and clean towels, they will most certainly thank the housekeeping staff. But, this is not all that the housekeeping just does. Contrary to what many believe, the scope of housekeeping services involves much more for e.g. –
Housekeeping within the hotel rooms includes –
- Making bed, changing linen
- Tidying room
- Cleaning toilet and floor, taps, bathtub and mirrors
- Stain removal and vacuuming
- Changing towels
Housekeeping within the hotel includes –
- Cleaning entrance and lobby area
- Cleaning and maintenance of swimming pool
- Vacuuming and cleaning of common areas
- Entrance, facade and window cleaning
- Other service areas with the hotel
Choosing a Service Provider
Professional housekeeping services have become high in demand in the hotel industry, especially here in south-east Asia. Options to choose different kinds of outsourcing contracts makes it viable and cost effective. One can choose from a complete cleaning program or regular selected cleaning.
Using a reputable outsourcing cleaning company will reduce risks and future problems. We are one such company that provides trained and experienced cleaning professionals at a short notice.