Vital cleaning supplies that you must never run out of!
First impressions of any room are based on appearance and comfort….what you see and how you feel, when you enter a home, office or any other establishment. This, of course, depends on the décor elements and amenities on the premise. But more importantly, it matters on how well all of these have been maintained. Large investment in home and office décor can be worth its while, only if the space is kept clean and hygienic.
It’s no wonder then that an increasing number of Singaporean home and office owners are making sure the areas in and around their buildings are spotless and inviting. The preferred way to do this, of course, is by utilising professional cleaning service agencies.
How to facilitate your cleaning services
An important aspect of ensuring efficient and high-quality cleansing is by making certain that you are well-stocked with all the right cleaning supplies at all times. Whether it’s a routine visit or a special spring cleaning, being aptly equipped not only saves cleaner’s time but also ensures optimum results for your job.
Here is a list of essential cleaning products to stock up on:
A. Cleaning substances for various surfaces:
- Glass Cleaning Solution: This is for all your windows, glass partitions and mirrored surfaces. We recommend a high-quality, streak-free variety that is easy to wipe off and doesn’t leave behind any residue or white lines.
Cleaning Solutions and Sprays
Tile and Bathroom Cleaners: A separate solution will be required for your tiled floors or walls and another stronger, acid based one for the toilet bowl, bathtub and shower tiling. For regular or daily wiping of tiles, a simple pH based liquid can be kept handy.
- Wood Surface Cleanser: Whether its wooden furniture or flooring, there should be least amount of water used unless the wood has been treated with a seal. Then simple warm water and a mild detergent is enough. But if it’s for any other wood surface, stock up a polish that suits your particular wood finishing.
- All Purpose Cleaner: This is a vital ingredient in your cleaning kit as it has multiple areas of usage. All tables, counters, kitchen surfaces, stoves or sinks (unless they are made of glass or stone such as granite or marble) can be handled with All-Purpose Cleaners.
B. Cleaning apparatus for various uses:
- Microfiber Mop: These are useful on most hard floor surfaces. They are light, easy to use and don’t require wringing like other mops. They attract dust and clean quickly and efficiently.
- Extendable Duster: This tool is designed for hard-to-reach places like above the curtain pelmet, ceiling fans and ceiling corners.
- Toilet Brush and Grout Brush: The toilet brush is rounded for easy manoeuvrability while the grout brush is mainly for clearing dust and other particles from door and window channels and the like. Both have strong bristles.
- Scrubbing Sponge: These are two-sided sponges with plain sponge on one side and a rough scrubber on the other. Depending on the surface and the requirement, these sponges are ideal for kitchen and bathroom surfaces.
- Vacuum Cleaner: Since vacuum cleaners are highly flexible in their usage areas, it’s vital to keep one stocked. All types of surfaces can be vacuumed as can be difficult-to-reach places.
Where you can purchase cleaning supplies
There are numerous online and on ground destinations in Singapore where you can find all the required cleaning solutions and apparatus. Most supermarkets, hypermarkets and DIY stores offer a variety of cleaning products.
You can even try bulk purchasing them from distributors such as Klenco or via the online route through Qoo10 or Redmart.
A well stocked cleaning cabinet ensures your cleaning service agency’s visits go smoothly while being highly beneficial. Added to which, it’s easy and motivating, for your staff or family to carry out any cleaning that may be required between service agency visits. Hence, the key to ultimate cleanliness is ensuring you have all the right tools and solutions. The rest will naturally follow….